Should you consider a Montessori education for your child? The right education is integral to the growth and development of your child. A child’s mind is a wonderful thing, and Montessori schools all share one goal: to provide an academically challenging, personally rewarding, and inclusive environment where your child can reach their full academic and […]
How Does Montessori Teach Reading?
For parents, especially those who choose to homeschool their children, teaching them to read might seem like an overwhelming chore. How is anyone supposed to determine which approach is the most effective when there are so many options? Adults who have mastered reading and writing can sometimes take the skills for granted, yet from a […]
What Age Does Montessori Start?
Throughout the years, Montessori schools have grown in popularity as a result of their fresh approach to learning and development. Children who are just starting school are very impressionable and take in all they see. Your choice of when to enroll your children in school can have a big impact on not only their learning […]
How to introduce Montessori activities
Montessori is a method of teaching developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, who opened her first Montessori school in 1907. Her approach to teaching children involves hands-on learning through independence, choice, and collaborative play. Practicing the Montessori method at school and home will continue to build on that critical early foundation to become a confident and […]
What is Linear Counting in Montessori?
The Montessori Curriculum and Method is a revolutionary way of educating children. Developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, she based her child-centered education approach on scientific observation and study of a child’s development. The curriculum includes carefully planned lessons sequenced logically to prepare the child for independent learning without undue pressure or frustration. Mathematics is an […]
What is a Montessori floor bed?
One of the philosophies of the Montessori method is to foster creativity which leads a child to explore and investigate while they learn new skills. These are introduced into the classroom and at home by: Creating a learning environment suited to a child and their interests Having mixed age groups in the classroom Learning is […]
How to Incorporate Montessori at Home
How to Incorporate Montessori at Home Getting your children to focus at home can sometimes be challenging. Your child’s development is important, and finding new methods to help that development is essential. Realizing the full potential of your child at home can be difficult—you may need some extra help. That’s where the Montessori method comes […]
A Montessori Approach to Anxiety in Children
A Montessori Approach to Anxiety in Children Managing Anxiety in Children We’ve all felt overwhelmed, panicked, overstimulated, or scared. It can be a lot for an adult to deal with, even more so for a child. There’s so much they’re still learning, and understanding how to cope with anxiety is hard. One of the 10 […]
10 Tips for Helping Your Child Focus & Concentrate
10 Tips for Helping Your Child Focus & Concentrate The world is an exciting but distracting place for children. While learning to perceive the world around them, a child’s focus and concentration are tested — by learning good organizational and study habits, your child can more successfully learn and develop during their youth. At Mosaic […]
10 Ways To Make Your Child Feel Empowered
Part of the core of Montessori education is providing a space for children to learn, explore, and grow in an open environment on their own. Maria Montessori believed that children only need to be guided in the right direction to unlock their learning potential and empower their decision-making. There are several healthy ways to empower […]