Mosaic Montessori Academy
2919 8th Ave NW Calgary AB T2N 1C8 403.612.8339
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15 Royal Vista Pl NW #142 Calgary AB T3G 0E2 403.768.3356
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176 Bedford Dr NE Calgary AB T3K 2M9 403.768.3095
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A Montessori floor bed built out of wood with lights strung along the frame.

One of the philosophies of the Montessori method is to foster creativity which leads a child to explore and investigate while they learn new skills. These are introduced into the classroom and at home by:

  • Creating a learning environment suited to a child and their interests
  • Having mixed age groups in the classroom
  • Learning is activity-based
  • Fostering freedom and responsibility
  • Encouraging cooperation and collaboration with peers, teachers, and parents

You may be a parent new to the Montessori method or have a child attending a Montessori school. If you are interested in expanding this philosophy or principle at home, there are many ways to do this by creating an environment conducive to child-centred learning. 

One way to incorporate the Montessori philosophy of independence and freedom of movement outside the classroom is by using a floor bed at home. So, what is a floor bed? Let’s discuss Montessori floor beds, why use a floor bed, and the benefits of a floor bed. 

What Is a Floor Bed?

A floor bed is exactly that: A bed placed on the floor. The bed could be with a floor bed frame or a mattress on its own. 

The floor bed is an integral element in the child’s room that incorporates the Montesorri principles and supports their developmental growth. Compared to a crib with restrictive bars, the floor bed allows independence and freedom to move. 

The Benefits of a Montessori Floor Bed

During a child’s formative years, between 0 and 6, is when they absorb everything around them like a sponge. These years are fundamental for physical, emotional, and intellectual progress. 

Therefore environments created for interaction, exploration, and freedom of movement form the building blocks for a child’s growth and development. Some benefits of using a Montessori floor bed include:

  • Reduced dependency on parents, so they learn how to make decisions, be responsible, and self-learn. 
  • Encourages exploration and learning by seeking out toys or books in the room.
  • Children are more likely to become independent sleepers from early on.
  • Can reduce nighttime struggles with parents with a positive outlook on bedtimes. 
  • Freedom to move around builds self-confidence.
  • Floor beds are safer than cribs with no climbing in and out. Rooms should be babyproofed by covering electrical outlets and exposed wires and securing furniture to the wall.  
  • Creates an environment that is child-centred and at their level.
  • Reassures children that they can go to their safe space when they need to rest or take a break.
  • Children develop and practice gross motor skills. 
  • Developing trust in themselves and their abilities from a young age. 
  • Introduces the concept of choice, where they get to choose what to do ad when at age-appropriate developmental stages. 
A little girl lying on her stomach on a floor bed.

Is a Floor Bed Right for Your Child?

While the concept of a Montessori bed seems appealing, every parent needs to consider whether it is right for their child. According to the Canadian Paediatric Society, the safest place for a baby up to 6 months to sleep is in a crib, cradle, or bassinet. 

The Montessori floor bed is an alternative to a crib when a baby is older and can be fundamental in teaching a child how to identify their needs. It may be challenging with more energetic children or children who generally have poor sleep habits. 

Parents can help their children sleep better by introducing a Montessori floor bed with practice, patience, and guidance. They can wait till the child is older or start with naps and then transition to nighttime sleeping on the floor bed. 

The Montessori Approach to Sleep

Supporting your child’s development doesn’t only happen at school. Your participation and support as a parent can carry over to the home. 

Creating an environment in your home based on Montessori principles introduces your child to:

  • Freedom of movement within limits
  • Choice
  • Independence
  • Respect for self and others
  • Self-confidence
  • Curiosity

With so many ways to support your child’s development with the Montessori approach, consistency is the key to seeing results. It’s never too late to adopt Montessori methods as their benefits are far-reaching through all the planes of development

If the principles of the Montessori method of teaching interest you, contact Mosaic Montessori today. Learn about Montessori education and how we can provide an enriching learning environment for your child. 

Written by Shefun Jiwani-Ali

Mrs. Shefun Jiwani Ali is the founder and Head Directress of Mosaic Montessori Academy. She has been teaching the Montessori method since 2003, and founded Mosaic Montessori Academy in 2010. Under her guidance, Mosaic Montessori Academy provides educational experiences that are deeply rooted in the Montessori Philosophy.

Mrs. Ali discovered her passion for early childhood education during her time at University. Through her research she learned more about the Montessori method and philosophy. The concepts underpinning the Montessori method resonated strongly with Mrs. Ali.

She completed her degree in education,, and went on to complete her formalized Montessori training at Vancouver Montessori and ECE College. She graduated top of her class, earning valedictorian honors.

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