Mosaic Montessori Academy
2919 8th Ave NW Calgary AB T2N 1C8 403.612.8339
Mosaic Montessori Academy
15 Royal Vista Pl NW #142 Calgary AB T3G 0E2 403.768.3356
Mosaic Montessori Academy
176 Bedford Dr NE Calgary AB T3K 2M9 403.768.3095
Our Blog

Is It Normal for Babies to Get Frustrated with Toys?

A baby girl crying because of her frustration on her toy blocks.

From the first smile to that adorable first giggle, early childhood is a period of astonishing growth and discovery. For new parents watching these milestones unfold, there can be a mix of delight and concern—especially when their little ones exhibit frustration. But is frustration a cause for worry, or could it be an essential part […]

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Montessori & Children With Learning Disabilities. Will This Be a Good Fit?

students learning in a montessori classroom

History of Montessori Maria Montessori, an Italian educator, physician, and scientist, as well as the first Italian woman to receive a medical degree, was the founder of the Montessori Method. She was passionate about helping people through beginning her work at a psychiatric clinic to eventually being invited to open a childcare center in a […]

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The Importance of Infant Education

Toddler playing with water at school.

Children are truly astonishing. Their minds are constantly growing and expanding, fuelled by their boundless curiosity and wonder. Though most parents believe that childhood education should begin at pre-school it really should begin much sooner, starting shortly after birth. What they often find even more surprising is the idea that education is much more than […]

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Montessori Infant And Toddler Programs Are Based On The Concepts Of “Home And Family”

Child painting at school.

Being a baby is confusing. A baby must constantly navigate a world that is unknown to them and interact with large creatures that act in unpredictable ways. These large creatures (adults) make strange garbled sounds, and act as if the baby is supposed to understand what they are saying. Adults have the power to change […]

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