Mosaic Montessori Academy
2919 8th Ave NW Calgary AB T2N 1C8 403.612.8339
Mosaic Montessori Academy
15 Royal Vista Pl NW #142 Calgary AB T3G 0E2 403.768.3356
Mosaic Montessori Academy
176 Bedford Dr NE Calgary AB T3K 2M9 403.768.3095

Locations – Parkdale

Parkdale Campus

Our Parkdale campus is easily reachable driving North on Parkdale Blvd NW and making a right turn on the 34th Street, 34a Street, or 35th Street onto 5 Ave. Located right next to Parkdale Playground!


  • 2919 8th Ave NW
  • Calgary, AB
  • T2N 1C8


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Parkdale Campus

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