Mosaic Montessori Academy
2919 8th Ave NW Calgary AB T2N 1C8 403.612.8339
Mosaic Montessori Academy
15 Royal Vista Pl NW #142 Calgary AB T3G 0E2 403.768.3356
Mosaic Montessori Academy
176 Bedford Dr NE Calgary AB T3K 2M9 403.768.3095

Our Blog

How Does Montessori Strengthen my Child’s Social Skills?

Children developing social skills in a Montessori school.

The Montessori Method & Social Skills The Montessori Method was not specifically designed to help children develop social skills. Instead, the Montessori philosophy focuses on engaging children in their learning. Through building engagement, children learn collaboration, problem-solving, and critical thinking — all important components of overall social skills. Stages of Social Development To understand how […]

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The Importance of Infant Education

Toddler playing with water at school.

Children are truly astonishing. Their minds are constantly growing and expanding, fuelled by their boundless curiosity and wonder. Though most parents believe that childhood education should begin at pre-school it really should begin much sooner, starting shortly after birth. What they often find even more surprising is the idea that education is much more than […]

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Balancing “Setting Limits” with “Following the Child”: A Q&A with Cathie Perolman

Child learns about colours at school.

On the surface the ides of “Following the Child” and “Setting Limits” might seem to be at odds, but in reality they go hand-in-hand when it comes to your child’s development. We sat down with Cathie Perolman, an experienced Montessori guide at the 3-6 level, to discuss how to balance these seemingly contradictory ideas. Question: […]

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The Montessori Grandparent Way: Enjoy Some Science Inquiry Time Together

Happy family at home.

My annual weekend visit with my oldest granddaughter Blakely Jayne is one of the highlights of my year. At almost four she is cheerful, smart and highly inquisitive, and delights in learning about the world around her. Each year my son-in-law makes the long journey from Rochester, New York to Sarasota, Florida where I live. […]

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Montessori Infant And Toddler Programs Are Based On The Concepts Of “Home And Family”

Child painting at school.

Being a baby is confusing. A baby must constantly navigate a world that is unknown to them and interact with large creatures that act in unpredictable ways. These large creatures (adults) make strange garbled sounds, and act as if the baby is supposed to understand what they are saying. Adults have the power to change […]

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