Mosaic Montessori Academy
2919 8th Ave NW Calgary AB T2N 1C8 403.612.8339
Mosaic Montessori Academy
15 Royal Vista Pl NW #142 Calgary AB T3G 0E2 403.768.3356
Mosaic Montessori Academy
176 Bedford Dr NE Calgary AB T3K 2M9 403.768.3095
Our Blog

Are Montessori Schools Private or Public?

A female Montessori teacher smiling and holding a book

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in Montessori education, an alternative approach to schooling that emphasizes the development of the whole child through hands-on learning and student-led exploration. Montessori schools can be public or private. While some Montessori schools are private, there are also Montessori programs within public school systems. The Montessori […]

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How Is Discipline Maintained in Montessori Class?

A little girl holding up a heart cut out symbolizing respectfulness and discipline

Discipline — it’s one of the earliest principles we learn as children. Discipline is important in any social environment no matter what your age, but there are many different ways to apply and encourage it. Montessori classrooms take a balanced approach to discipline that might be a little different from your parents’ school days. Let’s […]

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What’s the Difference Between Montessori and Regular School?

A teacher helping his students sitting at a table with wooden shapes in a Montessori school

Let’s face it, not all schools are alike. You hear about good schools and bad schools and schools for gifted children. And you’ve probably researched a few pre-schools and daycares if you’re looking for the right place for your little one. Montessori Academies are different too. Several things set Montessori learning centres apart. And there […]

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What Are the Long-Term Effects of Montessori Education?

A young child playing with coloured, wooden Montessori games

Montessori learning centers build a strong learning foundation in young people. The Montessori Method allows young learners to develop skills in a dynamic environment. But the long-term effects of this education go beyond toddlers and preschoolers. Learning principles that are taught at the crucial early stages of life can have positive effects that last a […]

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About Maria Montessori: Her Education Philosophy

A sketched portrait of Maria Montessori the creator of Montessori Education

Montessori academies provide a different type of education for young learners, we know that. But understanding who Maria Montessori was, and understanding her educational philosophy, helps tell the story of today’s Montessori programs. Let’s explore the life of Maria Montessori and become familiar with her philosophies. We can examine the foundations of learning that she […]

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Does Montessori Work for Older Children?

A teacher guiding students in a Montessori classroom

Children have an almost sponge-like ability to absorb information, and Montessori nurtures this. Individualized learning is effective for young children, but does the Montessori Method work for older children? Continue reading to learn more about Montessori and its effectiveness with older children.  What is the Montessori Method?  Dr. Maria Montessori’s theory discusses how children’s minds […]

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The Pros & Cons of Montessori

A container housing various letters from the alphabet, with red and blue letters underneath the container spelling out "montessori" on a white backdrop.

Dr. Maria Montessori developed the Montessori Method in the early 1900s. It’s a type of child-centered education that includes child-led activities (referred to as “work”), mixed-age classrooms, and teachers that promote individuality in their students. Dr. Montessori claimed that children learn more effectively when they have a say in what they learn, and this belief […]

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How Does Montessori Strengthen my Child’s Social Skills?

Children developing social skills in a Montessori school.

The Montessori Method & Social Skills The Montessori Method was not specifically designed to help children develop social skills. Instead, the Montessori philosophy focuses on engaging children in their learning. Through building engagement, children learn collaboration, problem-solving, and critical thinking — all important components of overall social skills. Stages of Social Development To understand how […]

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