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Category: Preschoolers

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A teacher helping a student develop motor skills by arranging wooden arc-shaped blocks on top of each other.

Why Is Practical Life Important in Montessori?

Although the Montessori method was developed over a century ago, it remains relevant and effective in educating children today. One of the key components of the Montessori philosophy is the inclusion of practical life activities in the curriculum.  These activities focus on developing important life skills for a child's daily functioning and independence. Practical life…
A young girl laying on a green surface with a red cape striking a superhero pose symbolizing empowerment

10 Ways To Make Your Child Feel Empowered

Part of the core of Montessori education is providing a space for children to learn, explore, and grow in an open environment on their own. Maria Montessori believed that children only need to be guided in the right direction to unlock their learning potential and empower their decision-making. There are several healthy ways to empower…

Why Choose Montessori?

Our classrooms are prepared with authentic Montessori materials, chosen to foster a culture of independence, critical thinking, artful expression, and respect while inspiring a love of lifelong learning.


Our founder, who is a Montessori-trained teacher, warmly welcomed our first students in 2010. Since then, we’ve proudly created an enriching learning environment dedicated to guiding children in Calgary.

Who We Are

The Montessori Method, developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, has pioneered individualized learning, and we are proud to offer an authentic Montessori program.

Montessori Philosophy

Montessori Helps Develop Skills for Life




Critical Thinking

Motor Skills



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Our Location

Our Address

  • 2919 8 Ave NW
  • Calgary, AB T2N 1C8

Contact Information

Full-Day Program:
8:30 AM 3:30 PM
Aftercare Program:
3:30 PM 5:30 PM

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